This summary details the results of the 2018 Two Day Survey. A fuller interpretation is not included with the summary of results, but it is worth noting that the adjudicated …
Vic Simpson, BVSc, DTVM, CBiol, FIBiol, MRCVS, FRSB, Hon FRCVS Sadly died on 31st July 2018 aged 77 years. Many tributes to Vic Simpson will be written covering his life …
It is with sadness we have to report that Vic Simpson BVSc, DTVM, CBiol, FIBiol, MRCVS, died this week on 31st July. Vic, a very distinguished veterinary pathologist, examined nearly …
The Somerset Otter Group is Case partner with Cardiff University’s 3 year Phd study; What drives change in population structure? Dispersal, home range and landscape barriers to the otter Lutra Lutra, across …