We have just joined Twitter. This is the official account of Somerset Otter Group. Only tweeting about Otter research, monitoring and conservation in Somerset. https://twitter.com/SomersetOtter
This years 2 day event has been cancelled. Below is the e.mail circulated by Jo Pearse to all Somerset Otter Group members. Dear Surveyors, You may have been …
2019 Results. Thank you for all your efforts, we achieved good coverage across the county. We covered 122 patches (or more precisely 122 patches have been returned), made up …
OTTERS ON THE SOMERSET LEVELS AND MOORS. The Eurasian Otter (lutra lutra) The Eurasian Otter (Lutra Lutra) belongs to the family Mustelidae, which in Britain includes the badger, pine marten, …