2 Day Event Method, extract written by James Williams in 2010


Attached is an extract from papers written by James Williams in 2010 outlining the two day event methods he originated in Somerset in 1995.

Two Day Event Method, James Williams, 2010

The surveying method was honed over the years with accompanying methods for scoring the results, also devised by James and continued today in Somerset.


In 2012 James Williams showcased the work of the Somerset Otter Group in a presentation to a predation conference hosted by the International Otter Survival Fund in Edinburgh.  A summary of that presentation written by James is attached below.

Reassuring implications from a 45 year study of otters in Somerset IOSF Conference 2012

After the Conference Durham Wildlife Trust showed an interest in commencing a similar 2 day survey using the same  methods.

James gave great detail on both his survey methods and his scoring methods to Vivien Kent, who has since successfully duplicated both of these methods in Durham otter surveys since 2013.


James further presented Somerset Surveys at the IUCN Otter Conference at Pavia University, Italy in 2012.

Estimation of the size of the otter population iucn conference