With the increase in social media groups with an interest in otters, important information is, on occasion, being diverted away from the agencies relying upon the information to continue protecting otters. Below are the only contacts you should need to pass on otter information.
Within Somerset:
Live sightings of otters are recorded by the Somerset Environmental Records Centre, SERC,www.somerc.com The Somerset Otter Group has otter records dating from the 1970’s, all this data is shared with SERC, and it is important for the otter that this is followed by others for all information to be available from one source.
Dead otters: The Somerset Otter Group tel; 07855 773697, or The Environment Agency tel; 03708 506506 need to be informed immediately. The Somerset Otter Group has for many years collected and documented the dead otters in Somerset and works with the Environment Agency. The group has access to freezers and ensures if the body can be collected it is sent to Cardiff University. Copies of the autopsies are supplied to the person reporting. Documenting the date and location of the otter sent to Cardiff is very important.
Cardiff University Otter Project website; www.otterproject.cf.ac.uk